When is the Best Time for Pruning?
09 Jun 21
June and July is the best time for pruning
If you love your roses then you’ll want to make sure that you have the best rose bushes come spring time - the best way to make sure that you do, is to prune them now during the winter months.
June and July are the best months for pruning roses, because it’s so cold and roses become dormant at this time of the year. But right now, depending on where in Australia you live, you may well be thinking “Hang on a minute, my rose bushes still have roses on them!”
(With the crazy weather we’ve been having in many parts of the country, it’s no wonder the plants are confused.)
Can I prune my roses if they’re still blooming?
That’s a question many of our V.I.P. customers ask us, every year - and the answer is a resounding ‘yes’. Roses are a really hardy plant so they can flower in winter. A good pruning in June or July will give you a much better bloom and more flowers come spring time.
It’s time to prune fruit trees
Stone fruit trees, such as peaches, nectarines, apricots and plums should also be pruned during June or July. This way, you’ll get more of that delicious fruit in spring and summer. Now, once you’ve started looking around the garden, you’ll probably see lots of plants that could do with some general pruning.
Call V.I.P. and let us do the pruning for you!
Ok, so you want fabulous roses and lots of fruit on your fruit trees, plus a great looking garden with well-shaped plants and trees - but you don’t want to be out in the cold, fighting with rose thorns, secateurs and long, long ladders.
Let your local V.I.P. lawnie do the pruning for you. We’ve got the know-how, we’ve got the equipment, and we’d love to help you get your garden looking fantastic.
Give us a call on 13 26 13 and your rose bushes will be the envy of all the neighbours in the street.