Autumn is Veggie Planting Time
12 May 21
We all know that veggies are so good for us, and now, more than ever is the time to get into healthy eating, to protect and boost our immune system.
When it comes to fresh healthy vegetables, there’s nothing quite like growing them yourself in your own backyard. And, with a bit of know-how, you don’t need acres of room. Companion planting vegetables — like pumpkin at the front on the ground, and beans and peas up above — means you can maximise your space to get the most out of your veggie patch.
Autumn is the perfect time to plant your winter veggies and there are lots to choose from. Baby spinach, garlic, kale, silver beet, broccoli, cauliflower, pak choy, and more. Think pumpkin, potatoes, sweet potato, parsnips, beetroot, carrots. All the veggies you’d use to create a colourful casserole or a chunky vegetable soup — or to throw into the crockpot to slowly cook and be ready to warm you up when you come home from work on a cold winter’s evening.
How to create a good veggie patch
For anyone who’s had no luck with growing their veggies, it might have been in the preparation of the veggie patch. Because unfortunately it does involve a little bit more than just chucking some seeds on the ground and hoping for the best.
You need the right spot, the right soil, some soil improver, fertiliser or blood and bone, mulch, then turn it over, give it a week or two and then plant your seeds. If all of that sounds absolutely exhausting, don’t despair, help is here!
V.I.P. is still here to help you with your garden
Whether you’re a newbie backyard veggie grower and you want to get it right first time, or you know what you’re doing but you want some help with all that digging, V.I.P. is here to help you. Contact your local V.I.P. lawnie, request a quote online, or give us a call on
13 26 13. We’d love to help you organise your veggie patch this autumn.