General Home Cleaning
For regular home cleaning please give V.I.P. a call on 13 26 13.
The clean includes the surfaces, vacuuming, blinds, bathrooms, kitchens and anything specifc your home requires.
Apartments a Specialty
There are a few tricks to cleaning apartments that we have expertise in.
This means you have a better clean for a more cost effective price than other cleaners.
Give V.I.P. a call on 13 26 13 for a quote!
Exit Cleans and Spring Cleans
All landlords require a vacating tenant to orgainse an Exit Clean.
This is a thorough clean of the entire house to ensure it is ready for new tenants.
For a home owner these can be called Spring Cleans (although they can be done in any season!).
Builders Cleans
If your office has had renovation you will need a builders clean.
No matter how careful the builder is, it has been my experience that there is a lot of dust produced in the building process.
This settles on all services in all rooms throughout the whole house and leave a big mess to clean up.
And while a builder will clean the rooms he has renovated he rarely organises to clean the rest of the building where dust has settled.
So after a renovation give V.I.P. a call to get your home back to the high level of cleanliness that you deserve.
Window Cleans
We are able to provide a window cleaning service either as a once off or as part of the regular cleaning routine.
We use environmentally friendly cleaning chemicals while still getting your windows sparkling.
Oven Cleaning
Your oven needs a deep clean at least once a year to ensure it is working correctly.
A clean oven gets to and stays at the correct temperature more efficently allowing your cooking to be as perfect as my cleans!
Give V.I.P. a call for oven cleaning - We'll have your oven looking like new once again!
Free, No Obligation quote
Call 13 26 13 for a free no obligation quote. We look forward to meeting you!